You’ve decided to straighten your teeth, and Invisalign was the clear choice. Now that you’re on your journey of orthodontic convenience, you’ll want to ensure you get the most out of it.
Unlike many other dental treatments, much of your success will depend on how well you follow the treatment plan. We’ll provide you with precision aligners custom-made to move your teeth — what comes next is down to you.
During your consultation, we’ll show you images of how your smile will look following your treatment. The question you might ask is, “how can I ensure Invisalign gives me the smile I want?”
Here are nine simple tips to help you enjoy a stress-free and successful Invisalign treatment journey.
1. Always Wear Your Aligner As Instructed
Every aligner is unique and custom-made to match your specific tooth positions. During the course of your treatment, you’ll change your aligner multiple times, wearing each one for around two weeks.
To get the intended results, you should wear your aligner day and night. They’re made from lightweight, comfortable plastic, so you will barely notice them after a while, and they are perfectly safe to wear while sleeping.
Although you can remove your aligner to eat and brush your teeth, you should aim for at least 22 hours of wear each day.
It’s vital that you wear your aligners in the order they are given. Although your new aligner might look exactly the same as the last one, they are designed to move your teeth a fraction of a millimetre at a time, and each tiny movement is very important to the overall process.
2. Take Your Aligner Out When Eating or Drinking
Although you might not notice your aligner once you get used to wearing it, it’s important to remember to take it out whenever you eat or drink.
Eating with your aligner could trap bacteria in and around it, increasing the risk of cavities and gum disease while potentially causing damage.
Drinking can also have a similar effect. Hot drinks may warp the plastic, damaging the aligner’s effectiveness, and any drink other than water has the potential to cause staining and attract bacteria.
3. Keep Your Teeth Clean
Wearing an aligner against your teeth for 22 hours each day could trap bacteria. Brushing your teeth is more important than ever. You should at least brush your teeth every morning and night using fluoride toothpaste and a soft toothbrush. If possible, consider brushing after every meal, too.
Flossing and rinsing with mouthwash are also good ways to combat bacteria.
4. Keep Your Aligner Clean
Like your teeth, your aligner accumulates bacteria throughout the day. When brushing your teeth, clean your aligner with a separate toothbrush, liquid soap, and lukewarm water.
5. Keep Your Aligner Safe
Although you should wear your aligner most of the time, you will need to take it out to eat and for special occasions. When you remove it, keep it safe. Using a case is the best way to reduce the buildup of bacteria and decrease the risk of damage.
Storing your aligner in your pocket or in a bag will mean it’s likely to get dirty or broken.
6. Don’t Let Anyone Else Wear Your Aligner
It may seem obvious, but nobody else should ever wear your custom-made aligner. Everyone has a unique smile, and if anyone else wears your aligner, it will cause it to become misshapen.
Even if someone who is considering treatment is curious to try your aligner, don’t let them.
7. Don’t Dispose Of Your Most Recent Aligner
Once you move onto your next aligner, you may think you won’t have any need for the last one. Don’t dispose of it just yet.
Although aligners don’t break easily, it’s worth keeping your most recent one, just in case you lose or damage the newest one.
If you do damage or lose your aligner, make sure you let us know immediately so we can advise you on the best course of action to take.
8. Track Your Progress
You’ll be surprised at quite how fast your teeth become straight. Because your aligner will give an unobscured view of your treatment, it’s easy to track your progress.
Why not remind yourself of how far you’ve come in your treatment by snapping a selfie every couple of weeks?
9. Wear Your Retainer As Instructed
Once your treatment is complete, we want you to maintain the results you’ve worked hard for. It can take time for your teeth to settle into their new position. During this time, there is a chance they can slide back, undoing your treatment.
We’ll provide retainers after your treatment. Similar to aligners in many respects, retainers maintain your new smile. You’ll need to wear your retainers for long periods immediately after Invisalign treatment, but the wear time will gradually decrease over time.
Invisalign in Durham
Invisalign delivers exceptional and predictable results. However, you can only guarantee these outcomes if you follow the treatment plan. The tips in this guide and our team can help you get the perfect smile through successful Invisalign treatment.
Contact us today to schedule your Invisalign consultation.